Higher Education

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Retriever Activities Center

To expedite the much-needed improvements to the Retriever Activities Center (RAC), UMBC collaborated with Marshall Craft and Sasaki to create Part I and Part II Program documents to define the renovation design criteria, then expanded the Marshall Craft/Sasaki design team’s scope to include building design, bid, and construction phase services. The RAC Renewal project provides significantly upgraded facilities for student recreation, raises the energy efficiency of building systems, and extends the useful life of the building as a whole.

First built in 1969, and with its most recent addition in 1999, the RAC was outdated and did not compare favorably to peer universities’ student athletic and recreational facilities. To provide improved facilities for intercollegiate basketball, volleyball, and athletics administration, UMBC constructed a new event center, making more space available in the RAC for student recreation. UMBC’s goal was to enhance the student experience and promote fitness and wellness, which the project achieves through the dramatically updated lobby as well as fitness and group activity spaces.

Project Details

Baltimore County, Maryland


Interior Design

Planning and Programming


This project was featured in Athletic Business’ 2022 Architectural Showcase.